STATUS: Enacted

Comprehensive law combating discrimination, including harassment, by limiting NDAs and no rehire provisions; extending the statute of limitations, and requiring related employer policies.

The law prohibits employers from requiring an employee or prospective employee, as a condition of employment, continued employment, promotion, compensation, or the receipt of benefits, to enter into an agreement preventing the disclosure of discrimination, including harassment, or sexual assault that occured in the workplace, at a work-related event, or between an employer and an employee off the employment premises. It also prohibits a “no rehire” provision in a settlement or severance agreement with an employee claiming to have been discriminated against (including harassed) or sexually assaulted, or a provision in such an agreement that prevents disclosure of related factual information, unless the employee requests such provisions and is given seven days to revoke the agreement. The law also extended from one to five years, the legal deadline to file a claim of discrimination, including harassment, with the Bureau of Labor Industries, or in court. Lastly, it requires all employers in the state to adopt, and make available to employees, a written policy containing procedures and practices for the reduction and prevention of workplace discrimination (including harassment) and sexual assault and requires the Bureau of Labor and Industry to create model procedures and policies.

Read the full law.