UT S.B. 18

2023 | Retaliation

Protect those who speak up from defamation lawsuits

The Uniform Public Expression Protection Act (UPEPA), provides immunity from civil liability for individuals’ communications during legal proceedings or other governmental proceedings, communications about an issue under consideration in legal or other governmental proceedings, and communications on issues of public concern. The new law protects statements about workplace harassment that are made in or about a government proceeding. If courts consider workplace harassment to be an issue of public concern, the law could also help survivors organize with others or use the media outside of a government proceeding to bring attention to their experiences and demand accountability from their employers without fear of lawsuits for undertaking those activities. Once the individual files to dismiss the SLAPP suit, discovery and other proceedings between the parties and other related lawsuits are paused as the court decides on the individual’s motion to dismiss the SLAPP suit. If they are successful in dismissing the suit, the individual is entitled to attorneys’ fees and court costs.


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UT S.B. 18