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Raise Awareness for Black Women's Equal Pay Day 2022

Written by EmilyJohnson

Black Women’s Equal Pay Day is being observed on Wednesday, September 21 this year. This signifies that it takes Black women over nine months to earn what white men made in 2021 alone.

Black Women’s Equal Pay Day will be observed on Wednesday, September 21 this year. Just this month, new Census Bureau data was released that covered 2021 earnings. It reflected two data points: that all Black women, regardless of full or part-time status, made only 64 cents per dollar made by white, non-Hispanic men. Black women working full time, year round made 67 cents on the dollar.

Click here to learn how you can uplift Black Women’s Equal Pay Day and throughout the year, and follow Equal Pay Today on social media to amplify the need for pay equity in the workforce.